Breed Standard Multiple Choice Exam
What is it?
The multiple choice exam is a form of objective assessment in which candidates are asked to select the correct answer out of a choice from a list.
Why do I have to do it?
The Judges Competency Framework requires that an exam based on the breed standard is passed by every judge in order to achieve Level 2 status.
What is in the exam?
All questions are based on the Siberian Husky standard as produced by the Kennel Club. It has been formulated according to KC Guidelines.
How long do I get to complete the exam?
The time given is based around 1.5 minutes per question with an additional 5 minutes for candidates to complete the front page of the exam as required, and to read the instructions. A further 5 minutes will be incorporated for candidates to check their paper. The exam is a closed book exam. and will be held under exam conditions.
What if I have recognised educational needs /difficulties?
Arrangements can be made as per KC Guidelines to read the questions to the candidate and scribe for the candidate. Time allowed will be calculated as per KC Guidelines. Individuals should notify the Organiser if they require this service before the exam day.
When will I get my results?
All papers will be marked on the day, with pass certificates issued to the successful candidates. No exam papers will be allowed to leave the room. The pass mark is set by the Kennel Club at 75%
What will the questions look like?
The questions are set out as below. An X should be placed against the correct answer. There will always only be ONE correct answer. There will be NO trick questions. All the answers are in the Breed Standard.
An example question showing how you should mark your answer – click on the picture to bring up a larger version:
Ready to try a few questions?
Have a go at these questions to see how you get on
For the correct answers – go and take a read of the standard!
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